NameImport of Motor Vehicles (Over Five Years Old)
DescriptionAn imported passenger car or light vehicle for mixed use in which the vehicle is more than 5 years from the date of manufacture (chassis date) to the date of entry into the customs territory of Timor-Leste, its import is permitted under the following conditions laid down in this measure
CommentsIn the case of former residents over 17 years of age, after a period of 12 consecutive months living abroad who return definitively to Timor-Leste, they must demonstrate that they had a vehicle in their use and possession abroad before returning to Timor -For at least twelve months prior to importation, a passenger motor vehicle or light vehicle for mixed use imported for personal use, that is, not for sale, rental, leasing or exchange, which is more than 5 years old, may be imported.
Validity From2023-03-24
Validity To0002-12-14
ReferenceArticle 3 of Decree-Law no. 30/2011, republished by DL no. 64/22
Technical Code
Measure TypeGeneral
AgencyTimor-Leste Customs Authority
Legal Document- Decree- Law No. 64 /2022 -First amendment to Decree-Law no. 30/2011, of July 27, Conditions and Procedures to be Observed Regarding the Import of Motor Vehicles
Is StandardNo
UN Code(not set)
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2023-11-01 11:13:16
Updated Datetime2024-03-11 14:23:05
# Procedure Name Description Category View Detail
1 Import of Motor Vehicles (Over Five Years Old) According to article 3 of Decree-Law no. 30/2011, republished by DL no. 64/22, an imported passenger car or light vehicle for mixed use in which the vehicle is more than 5 years from the date of manufacture (chassis date) to the date of entry into the customs territory of Timor-Leste, its import is permitted under the following conditions noted under this procedure Import
# Title Description Issued By File
# HS Code Description
Super process
# Process name Process short name Activity
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