Explore Our Step-by-Step

The Trade Information Portal provides a comprehensive, user-friendly platform that simplifies the process of navigating Timor Leste's export-import regulations. From regulatory documents to procedures and forms, the portal has everything you need to grow your business. Let the portal be your guide to hassle-free trade in Timor Leste. Follow the guided journeys and let us take you through every step of the export-import process, from obtaining permits and licenses to navigating customs and tariffs.


Access Trade Related Information at Your Fingertips

With our comprehensive database of trade related information, you can make informed decisions about exporting or importing goods and avoid potential risks and delays. The portal saves you time and effort by consolidating all relevant trade information in one place. No more searching through multiple government websites or contacting multiple agencies for the information you need - our portal provides a one-stop-shop for all your trade regulatory needs.


Legal Documents

All trade related information, including laws, regulations, customs tariff (organized by HS Code) as well as duty, fees, taxes, and levies.





Information on measures comprising of licensing and permit requirements, technical conformity standards and certification requirements.





Information on procedures required when applying for licenses, permits, border clearance or other regulatory obligations.





Downloadable Forms required when applying for certificates, licenses, permits or other regulatory compliacne relating to export, import or transit.



Search Duties and Fees with Ease

With just a few simple keystrokes, our powerful search tool provides you with instant access to accurate and up-to-date information on Duty and Fees. Say goodbye to time-consuming research and guesswork. Whether you have a commodity description or the Harmonized System (HS) code, our comprehensive database ensures quick and precise results.




Top Exports of Timor-Leste

In 2022, Timor-Leste exported a total of $513M, making it the number 170 exporter in the world. During the last five reported years, the exports of Timor-Leste have changed by $456M from $56.9M in 2016 to $513M in 2022. The most recent exports are led by Crude Petroleum ($259M), Petroleum Gas ($58.8M), Coffee ($16.3M), Scrap Iron ($1.67M), and Insulated Wire ($1.36M). The most common destination for the exports of Timor-Leste are China ($99.4M), Singapore ($91.7M), Japan ($59.7M), Malaysia ($23.4M), and United States ($6.03M).



ASEAN agrees in principle to admit Timor-Leste as 11th member

East Timor President Jose Ramos-Horta welcomed the decision, saying a membership would open up his country to wider diplomatic relations with ASEAN’s partners, potentially more foreign direct investment, as well as give Timorese wider travel access within the region. However, he noted it might take years for East Timor to gain full ASEAN membership and that his administration would have to work on improving their work capacity across the board.






Navigating Trade Barriers, Together

Designed to empower businesses, traders, and entrepreneurs alike, this user-friendly platform serves as your gateway to a world of opportunities. From accessing market insights and regulatory information to facilitating seamless transactions and fostering international partnerships, our portal is your trusted companion in every step of the trade journey.

Implementing Partners:

Recent Uploads

Free Circulation
Mandatory requirement issues by the ANP to release the imported product to the market
Environmental License
Environmental License
Export Permit for plant or plant products
Export Permit for plant or plant products
Legal Document
Electronic commerce (e-commerce) plays a key role in economic growth and development. It reduces transaction costs for companies, consumers and public administrations, broadens the geographical scope in which products and services can be bought and sold and, through online transactions, significantly increases the variety of products and services available.
DECREE-LAW No. 14/2017: Customs Code
The Customs Services, as a fundamental pillar of the economic policy for the security and defense of the nation’s assets, play a crucial role in the economic development of the Country, from which arises the need for them to be provided with, in addition to technical means and human resources, legal instruments that regulate their activities as a whole with a multilateral approach, from delimiting the territory of their jurisdiction to the procedural aspects relating to the customs treatment of goods, the rights and duties of economic operators, and the powers of customs officials, as well as matters relating to foreign trade.
Quarantine Import Permit Application Option D For Animals
Option (D): Application for import of Animal feed
Quarantine Import Permit Application Option C For Animals
Option (C): Application for import of Biological Materials and Veterinary Medicinal Products
Quarantine Import Permit Application Option B For Animals
Option (B): Application for Import of Animal Products and Animal Derived Commodities
Environmental License
This law creates a system of environmental licensing for public and private projects likely to produce environmental and social impacts on the environment. The system of licensing is a system based on assessing the size of the potential environmental impact of projects taking into account their nature, size, technical characteristics and location.
Export Permit for Plant or Plant-based Products
Exporters are required to apply for the export permit to the National Directorate of Quarantine and Biosecurity, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Forestry (MAPPF).
Import of Motor Vehicles (Over Five Years Old)
An imported passenger car or light vehicle for mixed use in which the vehicle is more than 5 years from the date of manufacture (chassis date) to the date of entry into the customs territory of Timor-Leste, its import is permitted under the following conditions laid down in this measure

Latest Articles, Announcements & News

Latest Articles
Timor-Leste Import and Export Regulations Administered by Government Agencies: USAID
The objective of this report is to identify the commodities subject to import, transit or export control by Government Agencies (OGAs), other than the Customs Authority (CA). The report describes all the specific regulatory requirements and outlines the related procedural and documentary requirements. The report aims to serve as a reference document for the Fiscal Reform Commission (FRC) and the USAID Customs Reform Project (CRP) as they develop the Timor-Leste Trade Information Portal (TLTIP), in line with the Government of Timor-Leste (GOTL) commitment to providing open and transparent access to import and export related information, to the trading community and public, in conformity with Article 1 of the WTO TFA. This online portal will list all the relevant regulatory requirements and procedures relating to the import, transit, or export of goods for both Customs and OGA’s.
Latest Announcements
Role of the National Directorate of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection
The National Directorate of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection (NDTRCP) plays a fundamental role in safeguarding consumer rights. This directorate is responsible for raising public awareness and disseminating regulations that ensure these rights. Article 53 of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste reinforces the consumer's right to the quality of goods and services, truthful information, and other essential aspects for consumer well-being.
On the 13th of August, the entry into force of Decree-Law No. 12 / 2024, of February 13, to establish a general legal regime that will apply to transactions, registration and electronic signature, as well as its use, in particular, in the area of e-commerce.
Parliamentary Resolution approving WTO Accession
The National Parliament, in an ordinary plenary session, on June 3, 2024, approved Proposed Resolution No. 3/VI (1st) - Ratification of the Accession Protocol of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (RDTL) to the World Organization of Commerce (WTO), with 33 votes in favor, 3 against and 18 abstentions.
Latest News
VMCI Participates in Meeting Between the President of the Republic and the Chinese Ambassador on Seafood Export
His Excellency, the President of the Republic, Dr. José Ramos-Horta, met with His Excellency, the Vice Minister of Trade and Industry (VMCI), Mr. Augusto Júnior Trindade, and the Chinese Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Ms. Wang Wenli, at the Presidential Palace in Bairro Pite, Dili.
MCI Participates in the Opening of the Seminar on Timor-Leste’s Post-Accession to the World Trade Organization
His Excellency, the Minister of Trade and Industry (MCI), Mr. Nino Pereira, participated today in the seminar organized by the Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, and Minister of Tourism and Environment, Mr. Francisco Kalbuady Lay. The event also featured the presence of the Deputy Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Ambassador Xiangchen Zhang, and took place at the Dili Convention Center (CCD).
MCI and Timor-Aid Discuss Tais Promotion Plan
His Excellency, the Vice Minister of Trade and Industry (MCI), Mr. Augusto Júnior Trindade, met with the representative of Timor-Aid, Ms. Ceo Lopes, at the Vice Minister’s Office in Mandarin Fomento, Dili.