Name | Lisensa Importasaun ho Kuarentena ba ai-horis no produtu ai-horis nian |
Description | Atu hasai merkadoria sira ne'ebé tama-mai ho ezijénsia kuarentena, importadór tenke aprezenta dokumentus no sertifikadus autentikadus. Importadór no sira-nia ajente mak iha responsabilidade atu hato'o ba Servisu Kuarentena Timor-Leste (SKTL) dokumentus loloos ( sertifikadus lisensa imprtasaun ) hodi bele halo dezalfandegamentu/prosesu hasai merkadoria husi alfándegas. |
Comments | Ida ne’e inklui ai-fuan no produtus ortíkolas (toos nian) freskus ka konjeladus, ai-horis ka partes ai-horis nian, kulturas tesidus nian (inklui uza in-vitro iha laboratóriu) ka ai-horis nia musan sira. Rekerente tenke espesifika mós produtu sira hanesan tuir mai: métodu preparasaun; rejime sertifikadu/fonte akreditada; prosedimentus halo teste hodi detekta prezensa vírus no doensas; lokál kuda ka kolleita nian; país/munisípiu; sentru tratamentu ka kolleita. Formuláriu mós ejize katak importadór espesifika utilizasaun finál no konfirma (ka nega) produtu ne’e mai husi manipulasaun jenétika, ka iha materiál jenetikamente manipuladu, no hato’o informasaun detallada karik konfirma buat ruma temi dadaun ne’e. |
Validity From | 2006-09-20 |
Validity To | 9999-09-09 |
Reference | |
Technical Code | |
Measure Type | Rekizitu Autorizasaun |
Agency | Unidade Kuarentena no Bioseguransa |
Legal Document | - Dekretu- Lei No. 36/2023 Fitosanidade no Kuarentena |
Is Standard | No |
UN Code | (not set) |
Measure Class | Good |
Created Datetime | 2023-02-28 17:03:34 |
Updated Datetime | 2024-02-05 02:20:35 |
# | Procedure Name | Description | Category | View Detail |
1 | Lisensa Importasaun ba Ai-horis ka Produtu sira husi Ai-horis | Ida ne’e inklui ai-fuan no produtu ortíkola fresku ka konjeladu sira (vejetais), ai-horis sira ka sira-nia parte balun, kulturas tesidus nian (inklui sira ne'ebé utiliza iha laboratóriu in-vitro) ka ai-horis musan. Rekerente tenke espesifika mós detalle sira tuir mai kona-ba produtu: métodu preparasaun; rejime sertifikadu/fonte akreditada; prosedimentu halo teste hodi detekta prezensa vírus no doensas; lokál kultivu ka kolleita nian; nasaun/munisípiu; sentru tratamentu ka kolleita nian. Formuláriu ejize mós katak importadór tenke fó-hatene kedas ba saída mak nia sei uza produtu ne’e no konfirma (ka nega) katak produtu ne'e jenetikamente manipuladu ka iha produtu jenetikamente manipuladu, no hato’o detalles, karik hatán katak halo duni manipulasaun. | Importasaun |
# | Title | Description | Issued By | File |
1 | Pedidu Autorizasaun Importasaun ho Kuarentena | Pedidu Autorizasaun Importasaun ho Kuarentena | Ministeriu Agrikultura, Pekuaria, Peskas, no Floresta |
# | HS Code | Description |
4 | 06011000 | Bulbs, plants, dormant, Corms, plants, dormant, Crowns, plants, dormant, Rhizomes, plants, dormant, Roots, tuberous, dormant |
5 | 06012000 | Bulb, anemone (bulbous species), in flower, Bulb, anemone (bulbous species), in growth, Bulb, begonia, in flower, Bulb, begonia, in growth, Bulb, canna, in flower, Bulb, canna, in growth, Bulb, dahlia, in flower, Bulb, dahlia, in growth, Bulb, plants, in |
6 | 06021000 | Cuttings, unrooted, bushes, Cuttings, unrooted, orchids, Cuttings, unrooted, rubber wood, Cuttings, unrooted, shrubs, Slips, unrooted, bushes, Slips, unrooted, orchids, Slips, unrooted, rubber wood, Slips, unrooted, shrubs |
7 | 06022000 | Bushes, live, of kinds which bear edible fruit or nuts, Shrubs, live, of kinds which bear edible fruit or nuts |
8 | 06023000 | Azaleas, live, Rhododendron, green, live |
9 | 06024000 | Roses, live |
10 | 06029000 | Cuttings, rooted, orchids, live, Plants, aquarium, live, Seedlings, orchid, live, Slips, rooted, orchids, live, Stumps, budded, rubber, live |
11 | 06031100 | Buds, flower, cut, roses, fresh, Flowers, cut, roses, fresh |
12 | 06031200 | Buds, flower, cut, Carnations fresh, Flowers, cut, Carnations fresh |
13 | 06031300 | Buds, flower, cut, chrysanthemums, fresh, Buds, flower, cut, orchid, fresh, Flowers, cut, chrysanthemums, fresh, Flowers, cut, orchid, fresh, Wreaths, orchid flowers or buds, fresh |
14 | 06031400 | Fresh flowers Of Chrysanthemums |
15 | 06031500 | Fresh flowers Of Lilies (Lilium spp.) |
16 | 06031900 | Fresh flowers Of Other |
17 | 06039000 | Buds: flower, bleached, bouquets, flower, bleached, for ornamental purposes, flower, dried, bouquets, flower, dried, for ornamental purposes, flower, dyed, bouquets, flower, dyed, for ornamental purposes, flower, impregnated, bouquet, flower, impre |
18 | 06042000 | Grasses, fresh, Trees, christmas, fresh |
19 | 06049000 | Grasses, bleached, Grasses, dried, Grasses, dyed |
20 | 07011000 | Seeds, potato, chilled, Seeds, potato, fresh |
21 | 07019000 | Potatoes, chilled, Potatoes, fresh |
22 | 07020000 | Tomatoes, chilled, Tomatoes, fresh |
23 | 07031000 | Bulbs, Onions and shallots, for propagation, Bulbs, shallots, for propagation, Onions chilled, excluding bulbs for propagation, Onions fresh, excluding bulbs for propagation, Shallots, chilled, excluding bulbs for propagation, Shallots, fresh, Shallots, |
24 | 07032000 | Bulbs, garlic, for propagation, Garlic, chilled, excluding bulbs for propagation, Garlic, fresh, excluding bulbs for propagation |
25 | 07039000 | Bulbs, chives, for propagation, Bulbs, leeks, for propagation, Chives, chilled, excluding bulbs for propagation, Chives, fresh, excluding bulbs for propagation, Leeks, chilled, excluding bulbs for propagation, Leeks, fresh, excluding bulbs for propagation |
26 | 07041000 | Broccoli, headed, chilled, Broccoli, headed, fresh, Cauliflowers, chilled, Cauliflowers, fresh |
27 | 07042000 | Sprouts, brussels, chilled, Sprouts, brussels, fresh |
28 | 07049000 | Brassicas, sprouting, chilled, Brassicas, sprouting, fresh, Broccoli sprouting, chilled, Broccoli sprouting, fresh, Broccoli, chilled, excluding headed broccoli, Broccoli, fresh, excluding headed broccoli, Collards, chilled, Collards, fresh, Kale, chilled |
29 | 07051100 | Lettuce, cabbage, chilled, Lettuce, cabbage, fresh, Lettuce, head, chilled, Lettuce, head, fresh |
30 | 07051900 | Lettuce, chilled, excluding cabbage lettuce and head lettuce, Lettuce, fresh, excluding cabbage lettuce and head lettuce |
31 | 07052100 | Chicory, witloof, chilled, Chicory, witloof, fresh |
32 | 07052900 | Chicory, chilled, excluding witloof chicory, Chicory, fresh, excluding witloof chicory |
33 | 07061000 | Carrots, chilled, Carrots, fresh, Turnips, chilled, Turnips, fresh |
34 | 07069000 | Beetroots, salad, chilled, Beetroots, salad, fresh, Celeriac, chilled, Celeriac, fresh, Radishes, chilled, Radishes, fresh, Salsify, chilled, Salsify, fresh |
35 | 07070000 | Cucumbers, chilled, Cucumbers, fresh, Gherkins, chilled, Gherkins, fresh |
36 | 07081000 | Peas, chilled, Peas, fresh |
37 | 07082000 | Beans (Vigna spp., phaseolus spp.) |
38 | 07089000 | Lentils, chilled, Lentils, fresh |
39 | 07092000 | Asparagus, chilled, Asparagus, fresh |
40 | 07093000 | Aubergines, chilled, Aubergines, fresh, Brinjals, fresh, Egg-plants, chilled |
41 | 07094000 | Celery, chilled, excluding celeriac, Celery, fresh, excluding celeriac |
42 | 07095100 | Mushrooms, genus Agaricus, chilled, Mushrooms, genus Agaricus, fresh |
43 | 07095900 | Mushrooms and truffles Other |
44 | 07096000 | Capsicum, chilled, Capsicum, fresh, Chilled peppers, Chillies, chilled, excluding giant chillies, Chillies, fresh, excluding giant chillies, Chillies, giant, chilled, Chillies, giant, fresh, Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus pimenta, Pepper, be |
45 | 07097000 | Spinach, chilled, Spinach, fresh, Spinach, New Zealand, chilled, Spinach, New Zealand, fresh, Spinach, orache, chilled, Spinach, orache, chilled |
46 | 07099100 | Artichokes, globe, chilled, Artichokes, globe, fresh |
47 | 07099200 | Olives |
48 | 07099300 | Pumpkins, squash and gourds (Cucurbita spp.) |
49 | 07101000 | Chips, potato, boiled, frozen, Chips, potato, steamed, frozen, Chips, potato, uncooked, frozen, Potatoes, boiled, frozen, Potatoes, steamed, frozen, Potatoes, uncooked, frozen |
50 | 07102100 | Peas, boiled, frozen, Peas, uncooked, frozen |
51 | 07102200 | beans, boiled, frozen, beans, uncooked, frozen |
52 | 07102900 | efOguminous vegetables, boiled, frozen, efOguminous vegetables, uncooked, frozen |
53 | 07103000 | Spinachs, boiled, frozen, Spinachs, uncooked, frozen |
54 | 07104000 | Sweet corn, boiled, frozen, Sweet corn, uncooked, frozen |
55 | 07108000 | Asparagus, boiled, frozen, Asparagus, uncooked, frozen, Beetroots, boiled, frozen, Beetroots, uncooked, frozen, Broccoli, spear, boiled, frozen, Broccoli, spear, uncooked, frozen, Carrots, boiled, frozen, Carrots, uncooked, frozen |
56 | 07109000 | Mixtures of vegetables |
57 | 07112000 | Olives, provisionally preserved by sulphur dioxide gas, unsuitable for immediate consumption, Olives, provisionally preserved, unsuitable for immediate consumption , excluding olives provisionally preserved by sulphur dioxide gas |
58 | 07114000 | Cucumbers and gherkins |
59 | 07115100 | Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus |
60 | 07115900 | Mushrooms and truffles Other |
61 | 07119000 | Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables |
62 | 07122000 | Onions dried, Onions powder |
63 | 07123100 | Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus |
64 | 07123200 | Wood ears, dried |
65 | 07123300 | Jelly fungi, dried |
66 | 07123900 | Mushrooms: Dried truffles, pine, dried, broken, pine, dried, cut, pine, dried, powder, pine, dried, sliced, pine, dried, whole, pine, freeze-dried, broken, pine, freeze-dried, cut, pine, freeze-dried, powder, pine, freeze-dried, sliced, pine, fr |
67 | 07129011 | Garlic Dry Neither crushed nor ground, Dry Garilic Neither crushed nor ground |
68 | 07129012 | Garlic Dry Crushed or ground, Dry Garilic Crushed or ground |
69 | 07129090 | Garlic, dried other, Potatoes, dried, not further prepared, Shoots, bamboo, dried, Dry Garilic Other, Bulbs, lily, dried, not further prepared, Flowers, lily, dried |
70 | 07131000 | Peas, dried, excluding peas for sowing, Peas, dried, for sowing |
71 | 07132000 | Dried chickpea, for sowing, Dried chickpea, not for sowing, Dried garbanzos, for sowing, Dried garbanzos, not for sowing |
72 | 07133100 | Dried black matpe beans, for sowing, Dried black matpe beans, not for sowing, Dried mung beans, for sowing, Dried mung beans, not for sowing |
73 | 07133200 | Dried Adzuki beans, for sowing, Dried Adzuki beans, not for sowing |
74 | 07133300 | Dried kidney beans, for sowing, Dried kidney beans, not for sowing |
75 | 07133400 | Bambara beans (Vigna subterranea or Voandzeia subterranea) |
76 | 07133500 | Cow peas (Vigna unguiculata) |
77 | 07133900 | Masyang(Jhilangi) |
78 | 07134000 | Dried lentils, for sowing, Dried lentils, not for sowing |
79 | 07135000 | Dried broad beans, for sowing, Dried broad beans, not for sowing, Dried horse beans, for sowing, Dried horse beans, not for sowing |
80 | 07136000 | Pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan) |
81 | 07139000 | Other vegetables,Dried, shelled, whether or not skinned or split |
82 | 07141000 | Tapioca (manioc), sliced or in the form of pellets, excluding dried chips |
83 | 07142000 | Sweet Potatoes |
84 | 07143000 | Yams (Dioscorea spp.) |
85 | 07144000 | Taro (Colocasia spp.) |
86 | 07145000 | Yautia (Xanthosoma spp.) |
87 | 07149000 | Arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, similar roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets; sago pith |
88 | 08011100 | Coconuts, desiccated |
89 | 08011200 | Coconuts In the inner shell (endocarp) |
90 | 08011900 | Coconuts fresh |
91 | 08012100 | Nuts, Brazil, in shell, dried, Nuts, Brazil, in shell, fresh |
92 | 08012200 | Nuts, Brazil, shelled, dried, Nuts, Brazil, shelled, fresh |
93 | 08013100 | Nuts, cashew, in shell, dried, Nuts, cashew, in shell, fresh |
94 | 08013200 | Nuts, cashew, shelled, dried, Nuts, cashew, shelled, fresh |
95 | 08021100 | Almonds, in shell, dried, Almonds, in shell, fresh |
96 | 08021200 | Almonds, shelled, dried, Almonds, shelled, fresh |
97 | 08022100 | Hazelnuts, in shell, dried, Hazelnuts, in shell, fresh |
98 | 08022200 | Hazelnuts, shelled, dried, Hazelnuts, shelled, fresh |
99 | 08023100 | Walnuts In shell |
100 | 08023200 | Walnuts Shelled |
101 | 08024100 | Chestnuts (Castanea spp.) In shell |
102 | 08024200 | Chestnuts (Castanea spp.) Shelled |
103 | 08025100 | Pistachios In shell |
104 | 08025200 | Pistachios Shelled |
105 | 08026100 | Macadamia nuts In shell |
106 | 08026200 | Macadamia nuts Shelled |
107 | 08027000 | Kola nuts (Cola spp.), Kola nuts (Cola spp.) |
108 | 08028000 | Nuts, areca |
109 | 08029000 | Nuts, betel, dried, Nuts, Other |
110 | 08031000 | Bananas, plantains |
111 | 08039000 | Bananas, |
112 | 08041000 | Dates, dried, Dates, fresh |
113 | 08042000 | Figs, dried, Figs, fresh |
114 | 08043000 | Pineapples, dried, Pineapples, fresh |
115 | 08044000 | Avocados, dried, Avocados, fresh |
116 | 08045000 | Guavas, dried, Guavas, fresh, Mangoes, dried, Mangoes, fresh, Mangosteens, dried, Mangosteens, fresh |
117 | 08051000 | Oranges, fresh |
118 | 08052000 | Clementines, dried, Clementines, fresh, Mandarins, dried, Mandarins, fresh, Tangerines, dried, Tangerines, fresh |
119 | 08054000 | Fresh pomelo, Grapefruits, dried, Grapefruits, fresh, Pomelos, dried, Pomelos, fresh, Shaddocks, dried, Shaddocks, fresh |
120 | 08055000 | Lemons dried, Lemons fresh, Lime, dried, Lime, fresh |
121 | 08059000 | Citrus fruits, fresh, excluding oranges, mandarins, clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids, grapefruits, limes and lem7'nf] jfx|l;Ëf, Kumquats, dried, Kumquats, fresh |
122 | 08061000 | Grapes, fresh |
123 | 08062000 | Dried currants, Raisins, Sultanas |
124 | 08071100 | watermelons |
125 | 08071900 | Cantaloupes, fresh, Casaba, fresh, Melon Honeydew, fresh, Melon, citron (preserving), fresh, Melon, musk, fresh, Melon, rock, fresh, Melon, winter, fresh, Melon,, fresh, excluding water Melon, |
126 | 08072000 | Papaws, fresh, excluding Mardi backcross solo (betik solo), Papayas, fresh, excluding Mardi backcross solo (betik solo) |
127 | 08081000 | Apples Fresh, Apples, fresh |
128 | 08083000 | Pears Fresh |
129 | 08084000 | Quinces Fresh |
130 | 08091000 | Apricots, fresh |
131 | 08092100 | cherries,Sour cherries (Prunus cerasus) |
132 | 08092900 | cherries Other |
133 | 08093000 | Nectarines, fresh, Peaches, fresh |
134 | 08094000 | Plums fresh, sloes fresh |
135 | 08101000 | Strawberries |
136 | 08102000 | Blackberries, fresh, Loganberries, fresh, Raspberries, fresh |
137 | 08103000 | Currants, black, fresh, Currants, red, fresh, Currants, white, fresh, Gooseberries, fresh |
138 | 08104000 | Bilberries, fresh, Blueberries, fresh, Cranberries, fresh |
139 | 08105000 | Kiwifruit, fresh |
140 | 08106000 | Duriyans, fresh fresh |
141 | 08107000 | Persimmons |
142 | 08109000 | Chempedak, fresh, Jackfruits, fresh, Langsat, fresh, Longyns, fresh, Lychees, fresh, Rambutan, fresh, Starfruits, fresh, Tamarinds, fresh |
143 | 08111000 | Strawberries frozen, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter. |
144 | 08112000 | Blackberries, frozen, Currants, black, frozen, Currants, red, frozen, Currants, white, frozen, Gooseberries, frozen, Loganberries, frozen, Mulberries, frozen, Raspberries, frozen |
145 | 08119000 | Almond, boiled, frozen, Almond, steamed, frozen, Apple, boiled, frozen, Apple, steamed, frozen, Apricot, boiled, frozen, Apricot, steamed, frozen, Avocado, boiled, frozen, Avocado, boiled, steamed, Blueberries, frozen, Cherry, boiled, frozen, Cherry, stea |
146 | 08121000 | Cherries, provisionally preserved, unsuitable for immediate consumption |
147 | 08129000 | Fruit and nuts, provisionally preserved |
148 | 08131000 | Apricots, dried |
149 | 08132000 | Prunes, dried |
150 | 08133000 | Apples, dried, Dried apples |
151 | 08134000 | Longyans, dried, Lychees, dried, Peaches, dried, Pears, dried |
152 | 08135000 | Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits of this Chapter |
153 | 08140000 | Peel, lemon, dried, Peel, lemon, fresh, Peel, lemon, frozen, Peel, lemon, provisionally preserved |
Step-by-Step Guide
# | Process name | Process short name | Activity |
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